MMF Examples M-N
Matching Example
Author: nivram
Genre: example
Extensions Needed: none
This is a Mahjongg type matching game example. The object is to match all the tiles.
Click on the Play Button. Click on two tiles and try to match the two. After you match two tiles they will be destroyed. (The second tile clicked on cannot be overlapping another Tile).
matchingexample.mfa (94kb)
Menu Example
Author: nivram
Genre: example
Extensions Needed: none
This is a menu example with roll over lighted menu balls and text.
Place your mouse cursor over the menu balls.
menuexample.mfa (42kb)
Mouse Controlled Ball - Nostalgia
Author: Mattis Lorentzon
Genre: Example
Extensions Needed: none
A fun example and old school coding. From an old cca file dated May 2006.
Left Click and hold the Mouse on the ball to play with it.
mousecontrolledball.mfa (29kb)
Mouse Scrolling Example
Author: nivram
Genre: Example
Extensions Needed: none
This is a mouse scrolling example. The formula is based on a 1000X1000 frame and a 640X480 Window.
Use the mouse. When the mouse cursor gets within 20 pixels of the edge of the screen, the screen will scroll.
mousescrollingexample.mfa (38kb)
Mouse Scrolling Example 2
Author: Gerald999
Genre: example
Extensions Needed: none
A Mouse Scrolling Example with four different options for scrolling.
Press the different buttons for the type of scrolling you want.
mousescrollingexample2.mfa (1.5mb)
Movement Template
Author: nivram
Genre: template
Extensions Needed: none
Simple custom movement, edge of screen collision detection, obstacle collision detection, collision box character placeholder.
This Movement Template can be used as a starting point for your game, or can be easily incorporated into your game.
Move: Arrow Keys
movementtemplate.mfa (38kb)
MrA Widget
Author: Simon Czentnar
Genre: Widget
Extensions Needed: Yaso, File Object
If you put me into your application, it will be able to associate a certain file extension.You can also save and load files easier than before.
Within the mfa.
mra.mfa (57kb)
Multiple Layer Paralax Example
Author: nivram
Genre: example
Extensions Needed: none
Background Layer. Main Layer. Foreground Layer. Hud Layer. Edge of screen collision detection.
Move: Arrow Keys.
layerexample.mfa (59kb)
Mystery Marble
Author: nivram
Genre: logic
Extensions Needed: none
The object is to fill all the holes with one color of marbles.
Click on the purple ball to retrieve a marble. Drag the marble over one of the holes and release the mouse. After placing a marble you can destroy it by clicking on it. You have 50 marbles to to start with.
mysterymarble.mfa (325kb)
Nested Loop Example - for ctf25
Author: tompa
Genre: example
Extensions Needed: none
This loop example is quick. It fills the screen with sequential numbers.
Run the mfa.
NestedLoopExample.mfa (325kb)
Night and Day Effect
Author: Gerald999
Genre: example
Extensions Needed: none
This is a Simple Night and Day Effect Example. One of the best around.
Within the mfa.
simplenightanddayeffect.mfa (227kb)
Node Example
Author: nivram
Genre: example
Extensions Needed: none
This is a simple node example. It can be adapted for enemies to chase a player, path movement, and other things.
Move the player with the arrow keys.
nodeexample.mfa (32kb)
Notepad Example
Author: nivram
Genre: example
Extensions Needed: none
This is a simple Notepad example with a 65kb limit for text. It uses the standard Edit Box, and is a great little program that you can extend and improve upon for your use.
simplenotepadexample.mfa (36kb)
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